Carolyn Warsham, rebirth mentor, ICF-accredited coach, intuitive guide and community leader, ushers her clients to re-light their internal fire.

From Carolyn:

Of course any good rebirth mentor has her own knarly passage story. I remember listlessly wandering the aisles of Trader Joe’s after my son James was born. Staring with dead eyes at the bottles of cheap wine and chocolate bars, I pined ‘these are my only thrills in life.’ I felt so very sorry for myself.

I tried throwing my body and mind into the next big Instagram ad or LinkedIn job application to fill the gaping void I felt.

It was obvious that the old linear maps from my parents and education weren’t working for me anymore. My soul wasn’t along for the ride.

“The answers are inside of you.” When a coach uttered these words to me, it lit something dormant, buried beneath my bones.

The Iris Sessions, Carolyn’s proprietary methodology, has helped countless souls reconnect to their internal guidance systems. They change careers, return to creativity, and shift the paradigms of their core relationships in life

Spot her on a beach somewhere in America doing a cold plunge or under a blanket with her mutt reading something juicy about human psychology.